NICE WORK! Nothing says Great War more than the French camo and the US roundels!![]()
I found a book called "Photoshop CS5 - the Missing Manual" and it has helped me greatly in my transition from PSP to Photoshop.Here is my first effort at skinning with the new software. Rise of Flight provides very good templates, so this isn't much more than a decal job, but it's a start!
(Click thumbnails for full-size image)
I need to adjust the fonts to better match the photos I'm working from, and may move the fuselage markings forward a smidge so that the numerals extend just past the tip of the exhaust pipe, but whatcha think?
NICE WORK! Nothing says Great War more than the French camo and the US roundels!![]()
I know that was meant as a put-down, Blowhard - it is no coincidence that I stopped frequenting these forums soon after you arrived - but you are very well-informed on WWI aircraft and that is the sort of expert opinion I was looking for. Can anyone suggest a resource for USAS SPAD XIII camo patterns?
That looks very nice Vig. Rise of Flight is a nice simulator, too. I tested the free to play version and was quite impressed.
Do you think moving to Photoshop has been a worthwhile transition?
Thanks Adlabs!The reference I was working from consists of two photos and this profile interpretation (including his reasoning for the pattern selection) by a fellow that has written for Cross & Cockade: Lt. Alfred B. Patterson, Jr. - Pilot, 93rd Aero Squadron (KIA 1918) As I understood it, the late series SPAD XIIIs varied in camo patterns depending upon manufacturer rather than nationality.
Photoshop was difficult because it was so similar to PSP. The icons looked alike, but they worked differently. The reference I found was perfect; the index is exhaustive and, already understanding the concepts, it's simple to flip to the right page and learn how to do what I want to do with the software.
The biggest advantage I've noticed so far - and it's a considerable one - is that the CS5 is 64 bit, so all my RAM is available. Last night when I was working on this I had both a multilayered psd file and a dds file up at the same time on Photoshop, while simultaneously running the Rise of Flight 3D viewer utility with the model and light animation effects all the way up. Very smooth, very fast, no chugs or stutters. I was really pleased to be able to keep everything open at once.
No put-down at all, but a compliment! I LOVE that combination!I know that was meant as a put-down
I'm no SPAD guru at all but that looks correct to me.
OH NOI stopped frequenting these forums soon after you arrivedI never meant to chase anyone away
I know there are several Osprey books on USAC units, but I'm not sure if they are 100% in the accuracy department. But I'm sure they're pretty good at least.Can anyone suggest a resource for USAS SPAD
Not only that, each was different being that they were painted without masks or templates.SPAD XIIIs varied in camo patterns depending upon manufacturer
A real SPAD expert can narrow down manufacturer, batch and a pretty close date from looking at individual traits in the camouflage![]()
TY Blowhard, sorry if I misinterpreted - from now on I'm going to think of you as a big cheerful teddy bear!![]()
THAT'S ME!!!big cheerful teddy bear!![]()
Uh, I think you've got those wings the wrong color...