please do,
they look fantastic![]()
This is some profiles wich I make with all my heart.
This is dedicated to my father. He died last year and I miss him very much. He worked in SOKO factory in Mostar wich produced those magnificient planes.
So i hope that you will like them
In next days i will post every of this plane with bigger resolution
please do,
they look fantastic![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
odlično prijatelju!
Капа доле, момчино!
Thanks my friend.
Hvala prijatelji moji dobri
I will post soon as posible bigger resolution so you can see very interesed details like stencil and cokpit
So this is bigger resolution with separated detail Ištvan Kanas plane. He died in aircraft accident during preparation for air shoe.
So i decide to make profile of his plane.
I hope that you like them.
hi mate,
this would look fantastic with a photo of the pilot in the middle circle,
very nice work my friend![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Thnx man. I'm glad that you like them so there is another one
This is G-4 Republika Srpska Air force during 1992 - 1995