I tried that but I suck at panning so that would mean blurry everything instead of just the rotors :P
Absolutely splendid photography mate! Many, many excellent shots!
One small suggestion though is to lower the shutter speed a bit with the prop jobs and especially helicopters, as some props and rotors could do with some more blur, but that really is a nitpick (per peeve). Top job!
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Your An-2 landing shots were pretty decent! Just practise on airplanes you don't care about and pan along with every Cessna that buzzes by. After awhile you'll be surprised what you can achieve*. For take-off/landing shots, i.e. predictable panning, I often have my camera set to 1/30th of a second. Success rate may be as low as one-in-ten but that doesn't matter. If you make a hundred pictures you still have ten cracking shots
Helicopters can be tricky as they don't often fly straight, but they do hover and 1/125th usually works well.
* Some photos of PT-22s at 1/30th and a very memorable ride in one too, which I got thanks to making photos![]()
Last edited by Skyraider3D; 4th February 2014 at 09:12.
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