Ha! Well I see Me109, P-51, that nose is familiar but I can't place it.
Messerschmidt-Benz MB-5109 Turboprop of the Royal Bavarian flying corps in a low-flying exercise in the alps.
Let's see how many different types you get.
Last edited by Slammer; 14th August 2012 at 15:43.
Ha! Well I see Me109, P-51, that nose is familiar but I can't place it.
Nice, you just missed the Pilatus nose.
Try this one.
A Baade 187 of the German Democratic Federation on patrol over the Demilitarized zone along the river Main.
P80 nose, Vampire canopy or meat mk III, meatbox wings/engine, 262 tail.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Great you almost got it, except for the MIG 15 cockpit
Just started work on a new project that I wanna do in a forced perspective.