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  1. #1

    Profiles - 2D into 3D ?

    Thought you guys must be getting a bit bored with life,trying to draw people to put in front of your aeroplanes. There is however, something else to add a bit of interest though. You can turn your precision work of art into a 3D model, using a fairly simple program like Modo. I took my PC-12 as shown, added the plan and front views and got stuck in. The precision is still there, and when it's made I'll probably map a fancy design on to it and then take it out of Modo and make it fly, or even plonk it down on to some tarmac somewhere amongst real aircraft. What you see is still a WIP although it's well on its way. There's a real buzz out of seeing the thing come to life.

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  2. #2

    Re: Profiles - 2D into 3D ?

    One day I'll find the time to tackle some 3d work big problem is finding the time. Meanwhile respect to everyone who does try this approach and it's looking good so far. You even make it look easy!
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  3. #3

    Re: Profiles - 2D into 3D ?

    I realise people might not know what I am on about, so this image is a typical example of what can be achieved. The whole process is as follows: Draw plans properly in either Illustrator or Photoshop. Make accurate profile in Photoshop. Put profile, plan and front view into Modo. Create 3D model. Extract model from Modo, (although one can actually map in that program), I normally use a different 3D program or even Photoshop 6 Extended for mapping and then extract again to create a realistic image, adding backgrounds, clouds, water etc as required. The water I usually make in 3D. Clouds are from my own library of cloud shots taken according to the prevailing weather. If the model has undercarriage it can be parked just about anywhere. Now you all know how it's done.

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