Nice one Grubby!![]()
It might be deja vu but I'm already imagining a polished metal surface
Hi Guys,
I've just a bout finished linework for a little Cessna 170. I'll be doing 170, 170A and 170B versions. There don't appear to have been any of these used by the military anywhere. Plenty of 180s. I'll get to the O-1 at some stage, too. It uses the 150B wing and the 195 tail, so some of my work is done already.
Nice one Grubby!![]()
It might be deja vu but I'm already imagining a polished metal surface
If that'll make you happy, BH!
... in the meantime:
It's facing the wrong way
Looking good, only criticism I'll offer at this stage is the highlight on the yellow, I hate doing it as it doesn't always look quite right, same applies for the underside of the nose which looks a little grey.
Still knowing what you normally do I have a good idea how great it'll turn out anyway!
Harriers...uppy downy things.
that busy thinking about visiting nurse vampira,
i did not realise it was facing the wrong way, how could you!!? you only did it to wind me up
if you have a large version of the line drawing i would be most greatfull for a copy.
funny that BH i only just the other day saw one on the net, looks like it had been Turtle waxed.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
I got a few more bits bolted on tonight.
Inky, I know what you mean. I have a special red/brown i apply to shaded yellow areas towards the end of the drawing process. I suppose I could do the same to the highlights with a pale yellow. I'll give it a go.
I like to keep shading and highlights of bold colours like yellow to an absolute minimum.
Results in lots of weird masks, but works ok for me.
If it needs a little shape I add a multiplied version of the same colour, rarely black, which tends to turn it muddy.
Looking at your site recently, I see you've been quite busy.![]()
WOW! Great detail!! Looking REALLY good, you got this Civil thing down![]()
Lovely aircraft, perfect drawing![]()
Lift generation devices (wings) installed!