I found a translator m8, each of those words has alot of meanings, although alot are generally the same thing. Hope this assists.
Anyone here who can translate Czech to English?
I have tried to find a translater via Google but didn't find one that had Czech. And if it did it didn't work.
The words I need translated are these...
Jistě ve spol.
The top word is the header word for the rest. Just like you see them here.
Found another word...
Oblast (and then comes a city name).
Last edited by RAF_Loke; 9th January 2006 at 14:57.
I found a translator m8, each of those words has alot of meanings, although alot are generally the same thing. Hope this assists.
You're welcome m8.I've been working on some Polish to English translating over the months, and it is very hard to find a reliable source of translating, (not that I would complain since they are free!) Glad you got them done.