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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Shockwave's "Battle Of Britain II"

    Quote Originally Posted by Osram
    IOW, PIOs (Pilot Induced Oscilations). Happens to new pilots in RL as well and I guess the lack of feedback to your stomache, ear etc will "help" you make PIOs.
    Yep, I am well aware of Pilot Induced Oscilations and their causes, I have done them myself a number of times in real planes so I can confidently rule that out as the cause of any 'twitchyness'. I have also flown a couple of high performance planes (T28 Trojan & Pilatus P2) and neither of those planes had the twitchy feeling of il2, even during aerobatics

    Quote Originally Posted by Osram
    Yes, I think that was Eric Brown, a famous WWII test pilot, IIRC he has the record for most number of types flown.
    Yes, I think that was the chap. With the settings he had 'approved', il2 was indeed much less twitchy. The planes flew much smoother and the pitch and roll rates were greatly detuned. I guess if anyone should know.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Osram
    Obviously "small" and "much" are very subjective, but there is quite a bit of evidence that even small control (especially elevator) inputs could lead to quite large effects, especially in planes like the Spitfire.
    I had the very good fortune to be friends with Ray Hanna, the Spitfire display pilot who passed away recently. I had many conversations with him about flying Spitfires and he did indeed mention about only small amounts of stick pressure could result in quite a bit of movement. He also said that at higher speeds, the controls would get surprisingly heavy and would require quite some physical effort to move. He said that he thought this was one of the things that made the Spitfire such a success. In combat, if the controls were light and sensitive, it would be easy to become heavy handed and over turn, over correct etc... (PIO again!) but because the controls stiffened up and resisted the pilot, it allowed the pilot to make much more precise turns and therefore hit more targets.

    Its all quite difficult to explain but I hope that makes some sort of sense. I guess im just going on how the P51/P40/T28 etc felt in the air and the il2 planes definitely feel twitchy compared to the planes I have personal experience with.
  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Niagara Falls,New York

    Re: Shockwave's "Battle Of Britain II"

    Hello Osram,

    Well I got my copy of BoBII today. And what a perfect day for it to come. Today is my birthday. I haven't had the chance yet to install it though. But I plan on doing it a little bit later tonight or tomorrow morning. I'll post back in a few days & let you know what I think of it. Thanks alot for the responses,I appreciate it very much! =S=

    P.S. I got the limited edition version with the WOP B-17 for FS2004 offer. Now I gotta go out & buy FS2004 so I can use that offer. Another $40 buck wasted on yet another flight sim!
    Semper Fi!! Carry On!!
    Squirral aka Wolf Fangs

    "To Fly A Combat Mission Is Not A Trip Under The Moon. Every Attack,Every Bombing Is A Dance With Death"
    "Altitude Is Life In Aircombat"
  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    6?10'32.04"S - 106?49'35.89"E

    Re: Shockwave's "Battle Of Britain II"

    Hurrah! Happy birthday Squirral

    Now stop eating the cakes and install the sim
  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Niagara Falls,New York

    Re: Shockwave's "Battle Of Britain II"

    Quote Originally Posted by Aero_Shodanjo
    Hurrah! Happy birthday Squirral

    Now stop eating the cakes and install the sim
    Hello Aero,

    Thank you very much! I appreciate it! I ate the cake & a few hours later I installed the sim. Now I just have to play it! =S=
    Semper Fi!! Carry On!!
    Squirral aka Wolf Fangs

    "To Fly A Combat Mission Is Not A Trip Under The Moon. Every Attack,Every Bombing Is A Dance With Death"
    "Altitude Is Life In Aircombat"
  5. #15

    Re: Shockwave's "Battle Of Britain II"

    Take it from me m8 I have it and wish I hadn't gotten it. What a disappoinment with so many bugs in the game. The graphics look nothing like Pacific Fighters and very few 'flyable' planes. Better you wait for Oleg's Battle of Britain.
  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Shockwave's "Battle Of Britain II"

    Pacific Fighters has/had more bugs in it than the average rain forrest!! Thats why it was on my HD for less than a month.

    As for limited plane choice, well, there wasn't really that many different plane types in the Battle of Britain. Besides, its better to master flying one type of aircraft properly rather than keep jumping from plane to plane. You actually learn how to handle that particular it climbs, how it turns, what its stall speeds are etc.... That way you dont have to fly on arcade settings all the time
    Last edited by Hunhunter; 19th January 2006 at 02:38.
  7. #17

    Re: Shockwave's "Battle Of Britain II"

    It all boils down to personal choice. I've played many flight sims and this one just didn't live up to the hype. I agree FB had many bugs but the Flight Models in BoB2 looked too clean as if they had just rolled off the assembly line. The sound quality wasn't good either. Just look at some of the forums and many customers were disappointed. I had bought Silent Hunter III at the same time and played that as well. Now that's one hell of a sub sim.LOL.

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