12th January 2006, 02:51
As many of you know, I stopped participating in the online community last year after being called a "KKK racist" by one of my squadron mates over my use of the Confederate battle flag in my skins. I missed y'all, though, and decided to participate in these forums because they were expertly moderated and so many of my friends were here. With encouragement from Jens, I started skinning again and my skills improved to the point where I was getting results I was really proud of.
In a moment of temporary insanity, I thought that it would be possible to publicize my Confederate aviation project on the Ubi forums if I prefaced my post with an appropriate disclaimer. I guess that I was foolish.
I found out this week that my dearest sister has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. Tonight, I received a telephone call informing me that my mother has 24 to 36 hours to live. I'm whining, and I apologize, but sometimes I wonder how people can be so cruel to perfect strangers when there is already plenty of sadness to go around in the world.
Thanks for listening.
12th January 2006, 03:13
Re: Discouraged
I saw the post at Ubi and I am unsure of what that fellow is trying to get at with his posts. Politics aside, your skins are very good and the designs (especially the Horten!) are fantastic. I was going to respond to his posts but in a moment of sanity realized that it would only result in more and more people flaming each other.
Anyways m8, I don't think you're racist or anything like that, and I am quite sure that a major portion of any community wouldn't either. Don't let people like that get to you m8.
Am I am very truly sorry to hear about your sister and mother. Keep your chin up m8, you and you family are in our prayers.
12th January 2006, 03:22
Re: Discouraged
Oh Vig, I am so sorry to hear that. Life can be good but it also has a habit of smacking you in the face when you least need it. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Vig. I personally will always listen to what you have to say as I'm sure many would on this forum so if you ever need to talk,rant or just sound off, you know where I am.
I haven't looked at the UBI post yet, I dont need to as I can imagine only too well what its like. You are a fine skinner Vig and a man with values and I respect you for that. Dont let the idiots put you off.
Hang in there mate, will be thinking of you.
12th January 2006, 04:04
Re: Discouraged
Thanks, guys, I appreciate the prayers and good wishes very much. This hasn't been the best day ever, exactly, so please forgive my outburst!
12th January 2006, 05:01
Re: Discouraged
Talk about a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. I read it up until the words POLITICALLY CORRECT?. If there are 2 words I hate it?s those 2.
Very sorry to hear about your Mother & Sister. I hope everything will work out for the good.
12th January 2006, 05:28
Re: Discouraged
Sorry to hear the news of your family members' illness. My best to you, I'll have you all in my prayers.
And further, focus on reality, don't get down over internet stuff at a time like this.
12th January 2006, 11:11
Re: Discouraged
Vig, old buddy. I'm very sorry to hear about your Mother and Sister. Hope the best for them both.
As for Ubi Forum, forget about the idiots and concentrate on those who mean well. There I mean those who don't turn it into politic.
I love you skins and I'm no racist. What I like about them is the fantasy.
Soon people will also be able to download skins from Tintins world; again it's the fantasy I enjoy.
I have a Confederate battle flag in my War Room (computer room in the basement) and that does not make me a racist.
Some people will properly accuse me for being one, cos I'm hosting CSA skins. But that is their problem, not mine!
All the best to you Vig, will be thinking of you in these sad times you are going through.
P.S. You are a great skinner, and I hope you will countinue your fine work with the CSA skins.

12th January 2006, 18:16
Re: Discouraged
Happily, the Ubi spat was cordially resolved by PM. The poster simply misunderstood me, and I misunderstood him. He seems to be a very upright guy and I'm glad to have gotten to know him. I hope I don't have to fight too many more of these battles, but whatever, I'm gonna keep making these skins. If I don't, who will? 
I can't thank y'all enough for the condolences and prayer offerings. I don't claim to be absolutely calm and composed at all times
but I usually keep it together. Yesterday, it just sort of hit me all at once. I needed some friends around, and it is so good to have them here.
Here's pics of Mom and sis: 

Mom has had a rich and long life, and I'm just hoping she will go peacefully and without pain to be with her loved ones long departed. Sis, though, is only in her early 60's, has eight children, including two still at home attending college, and is truly the kindest and most gentle person I have ever known. She is utterly lacking in guile and malice and is the closest thing to a saint I have ever seen upon this earth. So for her I want a miracle, and I thank you all for helping me pray for one.
12th January 2006, 23:22
13th January 2006, 00:18
Re: Discouraged
My best wishes.
I understand what you must feel like.
Reason why I'm a bit less around the last couple of days is because right now my father is being treated for cancer in hospital. So, I know what it is like to get news like that.
I'll pray for a miracle for your sister as well, and for strength for you in these hard times.
Glad you got the Ubi post solved.
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