Nice.They are kind of ugly but also kind of beautiful
I'm partial to the 17z
I (with Zamex) have been asked to make som Dorniers...
did not think it is such an unknown and ugly plane
version E
Peter Kassak
Nice.They are kind of ugly but also kind of beautiful
I'm partial to the 17z
Z will follow soon
today K WIP
Peter Kassak
Flying pencils
Harriers...uppy downy things.
with no stencilscould not find any, someone can help ? PLS
Peter Kassak
If you can find John I know he's got some stuff.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Amazing photo Helmut, thanks for sharing it.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
excellent, I am planning to this profile of well known machine
Peter Kassak
some hours later
Peter Kassak