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  1. #11

    Re: Artwork rip offs

    Can't win what ever we do. I'm happy posting on here as I know that the feedback is always useful but still don't put everything up, you'd be sick of me if I did.

    The problem as I know I've discussed with one or two others here is the trade off between doing a good job and doing a cheap job. I've seen some really nice books but the profiles are shocking. Without intending to cause any offence ALL the work on this forum is better without a shadow of doubt. However I suspect they are cheap.

    As for pestering it is a trade off between pissing off the publisher to the extent that they say go away and reminding them enough to get some jobs.

    Still haven't had a response to that initial email though. But do appreciate the support.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Artwork rip offs

    Quote Originally Posted by inkworm View Post
    Had an enquiry from someone yesterday who claimed to have bought a load of my prints from an air show (they were very complimentary about my work). I didn't even know they were being sold at air shows! I'm concerned about where my work is being lifted from and what sort of quality it is. Plus I've not seen any money.

    Waiting to find out more details but has anyone else had a similar experience?
    I met somebody like this recently, he has a business where he sells 'prints' at car shows/swop meets and god only knows where else. I looked at the boxes of stuff that he had for sale all of which was not of a terribly high standard or indeed of much interest to me, so I causally asked him where he got this stuff from and he just as casually told me that he went down to the local copy centre and had dozens of copies of each made at a time.

    Just staggering, but not nearly as staggering as what came next, he asked me if I would like him to sell some of my work. I politely declined.

    Its the very reason that I place an intrusive watermark and only post low-rez images of my work here and elsewhere. I pity anybody that tries to reproduce it at any sort of quality.

    Besides the occasional commission, drawing profiles will always remain little more than a time wasting hobby for me.

    Its just a sign of the digital times.
  3. #13

    Re: Artwork rip offs

    Very sad and angry to hear this mate! As Clint said, these sort of practises are getting totally out of hand. Not showing work is hurting our business cause we can't show what we do and showing our work with huge copyright notices ain't pleasant either. But it seems to be the only way. Too many greedy and talentless bastards on this planet!

    Facebook is depressing me lately... I can't open an aviation art-related page anymore or I see one or more ripped-off artworks or photographs. Someone downloads a large pic from Wikipedia, swaps the background, fiddles with some colours and tadaa, new aviation "art". "Instant Artists" a friend of mine called these. It sickens me.

    Support from the public isn't terribly forthcoming either, I've noticed recently. Most "potential clients" just want a pretty picture and couldn't care less how it was created. So it's us against the world, guys!
    Please see Facebook for my latest work:
    or visit my aviation art gallery and web store:
  4. #14

    Re: Artwork rip offs

    "So it's us against the world, guys!"

    Its the way its always been Ronnie, its the reason my work has fell under the radar. Those (insert insult here) ain't getting their thieving little mitts on my work lol.
  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Artwork rip offs

    unfortunately guys,
    some of these scum are members of this and other sites, I have had my run in with at least one on here, but what do we do?
    for me I just gave up completely as you all know, but you guys can't do that so we just have to be very vigilant and insert a known mistake, only minor this has been done for years to protect detail drawing but nobody believed me
    now I will vanish again, but trust me I am still watching and making notes of all your mistakes
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  6. #16

    Re: Artwork rip offs

    Uh oh, the eyes of JM are upon you!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Artwork rip offs

    I have seen your work sold in the net Dave...

    BBA: Albatros D.III D.2096/16, Ltn Friedrich-Wilhelm Wichard, Jasta 24, April 1917, captured by French forces

    Albatros D.III Ltn. Voss 1917 BH-33 -

    I hope it's legit...
    (I'm considering buying some)

    BTW, "Vera" had an Axial prop not a Garuda one...
    You are aware and stated it yourself in the relevant post, still that promo photo of the print is erroneous.
    Find my skins
  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Artwork rip offs

    Bravo Bravo is owned by Gaetan and AviationGraphic is run by Ugo, both of them have Dave's consent as far as I know. I am afraid the only way to prevent this is using huge and disruptive watermarks.

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  9. #19

    Re: Artwork rip offs

    I need to contact Ugo, I have/had some of my 109's up on his site and sold a few, I never collected, so maybe its time to reinvest?
    Gaeton, if you are interested, I wouldn't mind investing in your site too.
    Last edited by Jesters-Ink; 1st September 2013 at 17:59.
  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Artwork rip offs

    thanks jester,
    your latest book reminded me of another rip off merchant on here
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)

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