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Thread: BAe Hawk

  1. #1

    BAe Hawk

    Hi gents!

    After a year or more away from my art due to life intruding on my time I decided to pick up the brush (mouse) once more and let my imagination run wild. Now I know around these parts we have serious people with serious profiles etc and I promise to never becoome like that

    So with out further ado here is my come back piece, a series of alternative Hawk users.

    As a background the USAF decided to look for a new LIFT trainer to replace the T-37 in the early 80s this lead to the adoption of the BAe Hawk as the T-45A with the Naval variant becoming the T-45B. Here she is in ATC colours:

    Here is the first time I tried this colour scheme in the infancy of my profiling days, here I used the Hawk 100 series as the LIFT plane. I dropped the red line on the one above as I used the T-37 blue and white colour scheme as my start point where previously I used the Texan II:

    Instead of going the route of developing their own costly trainer the JASDF instead opened a global competition. The BAe Hawk won with Japan odering the Hawk 66.

    1. Standard trainer scheme:

    2. Commemorative F-2 scheme:

    And of course Blue Impulse:
  2. #2

    Re: BAe Hawk

    Quote Originally Posted by d4m1an View Post
    Now I know around these parts we have serious people with serious profiles etc and I promise to never becoome like that

    Too late, your profiles already look pretty solid to me even if the schemes aren't genuine.

    Never really studied the Goshawk but know that there are some cool schemes but the what ifs do open up even more options. Don't forget that the South American countries are always on the look out for cheap options for multirole trainer/combat a/c as the Hawk was originally intended to be.

    Now lets see an Argie or Brazilian Hawk, plus a couple of genuine schemes
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  3. #3

    Re: BAe Hawk

    After a little time away from the Hawk because I am strating a new profile I present to you a duo of RAAF Hawks

    1. The modern low viz scheme:

    2. The awesome "Fanta can" scheme:

    And lastly *gasp* a real world profile!!

  4. #4

    Re: BAe Hawk

    I decided to crack on with some SAAF Hawks before moving back to my other project (US-1 Kai or HS-2). So I decided to go old school with the first profile in the Impala Mk.II scheme, which isn't NMF but a Silver paint that ends up as a matt after long enough exposure to the African sun (there's one mounted at the aitport her in PE)

    The next one I went for was, of course, a mount in the Silver Falcons. I love their new scheme with the big falcon's head on the front fuselage. Now what I've done is more of "an inspired by" than a direct copy of the scheme layout found on the PC-7.

    Now this is the second time I have done this scheme because I tackled it once before in my early profile days

    This is it for the Hawks for now, until I get more info on the T-45A/C, or until some whimsy to do something colourful bites!!
  5. #5

    Re: BAe Hawk

    One more Hawk for old time's sake. Here displaying our colourful flag

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