Stunning stuff, and one of the myriad of unusual ideas that appeared on both sides at the close of the war. Last one looks as though they hadn't even finished painting it before it was rushed into service. Was that the case?
Hi folks,
want to share my newest colour profiles with you. These are 3 of 4 planes I have done for Kagero's new "Mini Topcolor booklet - The last Hope of the Luftwaffe - Me163, He162, Me262". In the booklet you will find both sides of the planes and additional decals for 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 models.
For more infos and a larger preview please visit my website.
Cheers, Simon
Stunning stuff, and one of the myriad of unusual ideas that appeared on both sides at the close of the war. Last one looks as though they hadn't even finished painting it before it was rushed into service. Was that the case?
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Thank you inkworm!
Yes, the last one was just painted in some sections. The front section was just filled with putty. This wasn't unusual at late war planes. At the Bf109 and Fw 190 sometimes wing undersides were unpainted, and for the Me 262 are many examples, were the full plane kept unpainted.
Part of the late war painted/unpainted thing comes from sub-assemblies being painted or partially painted at different locations and then final painting being skipped at final assembly. Some of the final assembly was done outdoors under camo nets or converted mine shafts. I'm pretty sure the engine pod was delivered painted. Rough conditions
(At least I'm pretty sure)