slight update, the shape is rising
something new on the drawing table
Peter Kassak
slight update, the shape is rising
Peter Kassak
Nice start. I won't comment as this is still WIP and nothing seems out of place. Do keep in mind that the P-36 is not as round as most people imagine, especially the rear fuselage.
Guys, I will try my best not to dissapoint youor correct it baed on your generous comments, if any
Peter Kassak
Soo what did I miss?
Peter Kassak
The obvious thing missing is the watermark, even at this stage.
Love the texture which is really making a difference. Only other changes I'd personally make are to darken the shadow behind the cowling and to soften the highlight on the u/c front
Harriers...uppy downy things.
I'm not sure if you already do or not, but I think this profile would benefit from treating the 'cowl flaps' and indeed the rest of the cowl as a separate objects with its own highlights and shadows. It will help the flaps in particular 'pop' out from the rest of the profile as it would in reality.
Right now the highlight looks like it is on continuous uninterrupted streak the length of the fuselage. The same could be said for the canopy but I suspect that it already is a separate object.
Other than that its coming along nicely.
Thanks guys.
I will wait with the reflections and shadows management until I apply camouflage colors...sometimes needs more adjustmen here and there.
The canopy is of course separable...just the glas reflection is common for all glassy parts.
And I will try to work on the cowl flaps...thanks.
Peter Kassak
so, with small soul publishing the first camouflaged Hawk...
Peter Kassak