Nice set. What about the Saudi and Kuwait F.53s? Apart from a couple of Saudi which had experimental wrap around schemes they were all NMF. Only other observation is that they all look very clean but I'm sure this is intentional.
Hi everyone,
Been painting for about ten years now - only in FS9 and I more than often paint AI aircraft, specifically RAF during the 80s, but have just got my teeth into the fairly old, but rather nice, Alphasim Lightning. Unfortunately, it is not freeware, but seeing as I had the aircraft myself, I thought I would share what I have done so far.
I have started on the F3/F6/F2A, but only in metal or AD greys, the camo scheme will be done last as that will take the longest, and the same for the T birds as I will have to do another PK for that - the others are fairly interchangeable, with only a few changes here and there.
Anyway - here are the first 23!
Nice set. What about the Saudi and Kuwait F.53s? Apart from a couple of Saudi which had experimental wrap around schemes they were all NMF. Only other observation is that they all look very clean but I'm sure this is intentional.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Thanks. Yes the non-existant weathering is a throwback from my plastic modelling days - they were always prissy-clean as well.
The Saudi and Kuwait ones have been done (and very well by another sim painter) so I won't really be doing those, apart from one (53-418) which had non-Kuwaiti markings at the 69 Paris Air Show.