I trying to understantd what I m doing wrong ,
after I have finish my il2 skins and try to convert it in indexed color , funny effect (like fuel on the water )apen in most of the work I have done in some layer , like engine smoke , weathering effect ext... sometime is just because I have use the air brush tool or the glossian blur ,even if I try to flattening the image before converting rgb to indexed , so my well done skins who look fantastic in rgb look ugly once indexed to put in the game ...
What I m doing wrong.... I never notice this problem before ???[/IMG]
Last edited by VonWaffen; 26th January 2014 at 18:40.
Last edited by VonWaffen; 26th January 2014 at 18:39.
I take it by indexed you mean limited to 256 colours? I know nothing about the game but wouldn't just doing save for web and forcing a few key colours work? Save as a gif then open and resave as what ever you want.
But there is probably some other way of forcing the colours when converting to index but I'd assume it only really works on flat files.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
I just try to save them as gif and it 's even worse ,
yes 256 color ,black and white with transparency,1024x1024
once all the layer are marge everything is fine is just when i try to change them in indexed color it's apen.
But if i didn t use any weathering the skin look fine...like you can see on the layer it's apen only on the top side of the plan ,everything look fine under the plane....??????
Last edited by VonWaffen; 27th January 2014 at 03:51.
What software are you using to convert it? Can you post up a gif? As I can't really see where the problem is.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
I m working with photoshop 7 , here one save as a GIF , I try to make a other skin using a overlay mode brush over a normal brush base color , but no change it's all the same ..... I have try to hide almost all weathering layer before merging , no chance , I must doing something wrong somewere or something is not set correctly in my software...
this second pic is my work done with all weathering effect layer together.... the skins is even worse....
Have you tried bright plugin?
Find my skins at:www.lowengrin.com
Ok I will try to find it somewere cause this link seem not working anymore...thanks
"OUPS Sorry the link work now my mistake"
I will try it
Last edited by VonWaffen; 27th January 2014 at 18:28.
well I just install bright in photoshop but they don t tell much how to use it , juste try to merge all layer with flatten option then export it with bright on the desktop , the file look like a piece of black line on a white background we barely see hakenkreud loll how you use it???? loll