Very nice, thanks!
I have wondered with this aircraft, how was the cabin vibration?
Despite working six days a week this month, I found some time on my one day off to have some fun.
Very nice, thanks!
I have wondered with this aircraft, how was the cabin vibration?
It was loud inside, but not nearly as loud as I feared. I've been fortunate enough to get a flight on a B-25 and that was downright deafening; the Trimotor wasn't nearly as loud as the B-25 was. The vibration wasn't bad at all. I didn't notice it. Obviously, it was lower and slower, but with the exception of being louder, it was an altogether more enjoyable flight experience than many modern airliners I've flown on.
Looks like you had a lot of fun.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Yeah, it was a great time flying on an 85 year old airplane.
Nice set of images, there's nothing quite like the thrill of taking a ride in a historic or warbird when the opportunity arises.
I was fortunate enough to partake of my 3rd historic flight experience during my recent holidays. Needless to say it was great fun.
Very cool, GFR. That's one I wouldn't mind someday, as well. Where'd you take that flight?