CoolOne of my favorites in World of Tanks! Only think that stands out now is that the wheels might look a bit to bulbous.
This site was suggested to me by GrubbyFingers after I contacted him by email for advice.
So far, I've only done one fully finished profile, and that was drawn free hand in pencil, coloured with colour pencils, and then imported in to PSE for colouring and 'tidying up'. That one was a P40K Warhawk. I also have a EE Lightning F6 on the drawing board (again in pencil).
However, I wanted to try my hand at digital, so I purchased a copy of iDraw and set to work on getting a vector drawing of a Jagdpanzer(38) Hetzer (based photos I took at Bovington), as I thought it would be a simple shape to start with.
OK, I'm aware that it isn't 100% accurate, and I'll probably have to add lots of 'kit' hanging off it to hide some areas that I'm not 100% sure about. But this has, and continues to be a great learning experience, and I'm really enjoying having a good play.
The PSD image size is 3872x2592 pixels, oh and it's only 72dpibut as this is a learning curve, I'll notch that one up as a lesson.
As I said, first 100% digital drawing, and as you can see, still plenty to do.
But this is really addictive, and I already have ideas for other subjects (but really should finish this one first!).
Anyway, any guidance, would be appreciated, cheers
Only posted a small imagefor now.
Once I've done more, I'll post more images.
Thanks for commenting Supah, yes I see what you say about the wheels, thanks.
Drawing any profile is such an individual thing that there are no right or wrongs, its just a maddeningly frustrating matter of trial and error and finding a process that works for you.
The one piece of advice that would give you is to be ambitious with what you are trying to achieve and always strive for better.
There are heaps of threads dealing with projects that run from start to um...finish here if you have a look around.
If you are so inclined, check out the first and last page (but avoid the 30 pages in between) of My Mustang thread to see how far a project can come.
Oh...and 7500 X 3000 @ 300dpi seems to be about the usual size that most seem to work to.
Last edited by GiantFlyingRobots; 7th February 2014 at 01:24.
GiantFlyingRobots - I've been lurking for a while, and read the post, very inspiring :-)
Inkworm - actually A3 size sounds good to me.
Thanks for commenting, really appreciated.
Hahaha! I did say there is "no right or wrong' with these things.![]()
:-) we'll at least I'm learning about best pixels size I could use.
The power of your computer can also be a limiting factor. Some of my file sizes get up around 3Gb when open in Photoshop and not all computers can handle that.