I've started a new profile of a DH Mosquito. This will be the fighter version and in Australian colours to start with.
Comments welcome, as always.
Nice. Would've been handy to see your typically impeccable line-art when I did my 1sqd commission of the same last year tho.
My life would've been considerably easier.
Here's a question for the Mozzie buffs:
This panel line on the rear of the nacelle appears to be almost parallel to the horizontal axis on some Mozzies (as shown here), and is noticably tilted back (front end up, tail end down about 30°) on others.
I haven't picked up if it varies from the fighter to bomber to recce variants, or if it is the single speed / two speed nacelles. It seems quite random.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
Can't give you an adequate answer as I also found it to be a really perplexing issue, one that I never quite answered myself on my currently in progress version of the same.
FWIW. Mine has pretty much the same slightly tilted panel line as yours. Having said that I took this image of the AWM's PR.41 A52-319 which has it a much greater angle than I have, perhaps its PR specific or maybe its an individual production thing.
There's a few more detail images of the AWM's Mossie on my fb page if they're of any use.
...Or, Ronnie recently posted a walkaround of a TT Mk35 on his fb page that appears to be different again, but somewhat closer.
The Mosquito is a much more complex aircraft than it looks at first. So far your drawing is looking good. To my knowledge all nose guns are level though.
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Thanks, Skyraider, I did pick up on that!
Another all time classic, one of which I've never gotten round too. I can't help you with your question, it seems us Brits built then any which way we could, (who needs blueprints?)
Or. . . "Bob, what do we do with this panel here?" "Ah just bang it on and rivet it home, as long as its on there". Look forward to seeing this one finished.
I went a bit nuts on Ozzie Mozzies today: