It looks like Ugo territory. Is this a helicopter build-up to see who rules the helicopter world? Looking really nice! I'm sure you'll be putting your gorgeous gloss paint on it?
Ah, Dave, I am but the lonely empty crisp packet caught in the rotorwash whirlwind of exceptional talent and incredible productivity that Our Master Ugo leaves in his wake. I merely flap around in the vacuum he leaves behind, looking shiny and new but am merely an empty vessel reflecting His greater glory. Thanks, but!
between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony
Re: Airbus Helicopters AS365N2 Dauphin II
Lovely line work as usual.
Is it going to be VH-PVH? I saw it when I was on the Queenscliff to Sorrento ferry earlier this year.
The Dauphin was conducting some kind of CT exercise as the container ship made its way through Port Phillip heads. If you look closely at the 2nd image Black clad CT types can be seen waiting to be shuttled out to the ship.
what reasons there are actually that they almost always represent the right side of the airplane? Take that, please do not as negative criticism. It would only interest me, because the standard is the left side of the airplane. Or just the representation of both sides
There is no 'standard' I'm aware of. I usually pick the most interesting side (in this case starboard has the winch) or the client tells me what side he wants.
You should try all views as standard: Port, starboard, top, bottom, front.... The only way to truly show an aircraft. Well at least to keep an accurate historical recording of how it looked.
I originally started doing that. It didn't take long before I realised I was doing four times the work but couldn't sell the print for four times the price!