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Thread: S-199

  1. #1


    Been a long time since I have been able to post any non copyright stuff so here's a spin off of some 109 work I'm doing.
    I would love to get hold of some accurate marking images of this bird, the colours and markings of the IAF really bring this bird to life IMO.

  2. #2

    Re: S-199

    I recently drew aircraft marked D 120. It also includes a brief description.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Mannheim, Germany

    Re: S-199

    Hello friends,

    in November 2011, I published before various profiles of the Avia S-199 in SPS ...
    including one of the Avia S-199, cn 782 358, registration D 121 .. she was flown by Ezer Weizmann, the first Präsidänten of Israel, the 101 Sqadron.
    Armed with two machine guns, 2 cannons and 2 bombs it was used in ground combat.

    Last edited by helischmidt; 12th June 2014 at 14:04.
    flyingART for ever
  4. #4

    Re: S-199

    Wow, thanks both, I see there is some very valuable data available on the links provided. As soon as I posted my drawing, I took another look at my wing profile and have since decided to do it again. Looks like my chin bulge could use a reshape too.

    Thanks for posting guys, its a big help.
  5. #5

    Re: S-199

    With the only photo I could find, wish there were more. . .

  6. #6

    Re: S-199

    Very nice profile mate, but I am sure you based the "opaque" fuselage star from the photo. It should definitely be blue, don't trust your colour picker it doesn't filter reflections!
    Opaque markings in general are very unlikely, as I reckon the usual way of drawing the Israeli insignia is by painting a white disc, then adding the star.

    Highly recommended read with many interesting photos (including two of D.120):
    The Desert Hawks: American Volunteer Fighter Pilot's Story of the Israeli War of Independence: Leo Nomis, Brian Cull: Books
    Fiver well spent!
    All photos of Israeli S.199s in that book - except the one of D.120 you posted - show the fuselage star to be clearly darker.

    PS. Some S.199 profiles and line drawings from my friend Gaël Elégoët, who did a lot of research on these birds:
    Don't miss his cartoony 3D one either!
    Last edited by Skyraider3D; 4th July 2014 at 03:58.
    Please see Facebook for my latest work:
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  7. #7

    Re: S-199

    Yeah I hear ya mate, but in this case for me it just didn't convince me.

    Like you said, I will have to invest in the book and go from there and what you said about how the markings are applied really makes sense.

    I will sleep on it.

    If anyone has info that would help out on this, please feel free to post.
    Last edited by Jesters-Ink; 4th July 2014 at 16:26.
  8. #8

    Re: S-199

    Do not forget the battery cover behind the pilot.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
  9. #9

    Re: S-199

    Nice one and on the photo you posted there you can see the star is definitely painted blue.
    I see there are some additional painting details there too, I will update accordingly.

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