Diamond DA40 Star
Here's a sleek little Diamond DA40 underway.
The basis for this one was some of Otterkins2 linework he sent me years ago. I'd forgotten I even had it until I was trawling through my Diamond references and there it was!
So this one is dedicated to you, Otter! I miss you, Buddy.
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Re: Diamond DA40 Star
Getting some shape into t ...
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Re: Diamond DA40 Star
That is a GOOFY looking plane but a nice looking profile so far
Re: Diamond DA40 Star
It gets better. I think the green is detrimental. Very composite. Much plastic.
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Re: Diamond DA40 Star
What a great looking plane! Its a ton of fun to fly and super quiet.
Re: Diamond DA40 Star
too, a splendid job. Could I ask you what is the size of illustration?
Re: Diamond DA40 Star
I usually work around 1000mm wide at 300PPI.
Re: Diamond DA40 Star
That looks fantastic, it looks light and agile, but at the same time you show the form perfectly, top job.
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