This profile was done in a fit of enthusiasm during the spring of this year. I still have a small stack of Blackhawk comics from my grade-and-early-high-school-years: a small concession to my dislike of any form of nostalgia. I consider the drawing to be like Dr. Johnson's hind-leg walking dog...
Very nice! I got to see the real thing not too long ago at the NMUSAF. Now you just need a profile of the XF5F Skyrocket in those colors to go along with it!
Thanks, Logan : The 'latest' of those comics is from 1983(still in its plastic jacket) - its Marvell & retro and has the Blackhawks flying Skyrockets as per war years...
Profiles drawings are hard to come by - I've been sitting on a simple 3-view one since last may : got to get started !
*Your work is imaginative & meticulous - really worth studying...