now I know its 2015, but that don't mean you can get by with half a job,but I can't seem to find anything wrong with this, so please carry one, looks like this is going to be a good one
OK, gents, here's my latest WIP. I'm hesitating between asking John for his candid advice and asking him to not be too rough on me. :-D
Still plenty of work to do obviously, but I'm getting there slowly.
now I know its 2015, but that don't mean you can get by with half a job,but I can't seem to find anything wrong with this, so please carry one, looks like this is going to be a good one
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Better than I feared! :-Dnow I know its 2015, but that don't mean you can get by with half a job,but I can't seem to find anything wrong with this, so please carry one, looks like this is going to be a good one
Well, the fuselage should be pretty accurate, as it's based on several good side-views with little or no optical distorsion (thank you,!). The wings are a bit trickier to do, but I'm hoping to do so something decent there too.
And it's interesting to discover how many small variations are to be found ont the Hurricane, which all seem the same, but are even worse than Spitfires in that respect! I generally create a "checlist" layer to make sure I've checked the most common variants, and it's becoming overcrowded with the Hurricane...
An update. Lots of small stuff mostly... :-)
I'll also add a question. I'm hesitating about adding shaping to reinforce the "razorback" look of the Hurricane. On the majority of side views, it's practically invisible and what I've made here seems fairly close IMO.
What do you guys think?
I'd maybe add a very subtle highlight that's a bit more than you've currently got at the top of the back but otherwise it looks fine on the rear
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Isn't it supposed to have an oil collector ring over the cowling, right behind the spinner?