Getting a firmer grasp of the PS layering tools...over-reach is a constant temptation. Am working on a float for the seaplane version - then a nose graft for Mod 22...
Hey Pakka, those are looking pretty good. I should know, I've made a special study of the Zero
You might want to check your canopy though, it's a more continuous curve between the sliding part and the rear piece. There is also a bit of a step between the two for clearance.
See these photos-
B - Thanks for the canopy heads-up : I'm surrounded by drawings & books and still didn't see it.. I've done the curve corrections. Then selected a simple -
to-do example from an old Aircam series book (1970) illustrated by Richard Ward - a Pearl Harbour Zero.
& thanks again...
*the edge indent is there on the large (8000X) drawing- it doesn't show up much at 'this distance'.
Very nice! You've got it!. When I did my Zeros I couldn't find a single set of drawings that were 100% correct. I gather that's true of just about all planes, but it seems pretty weird that so many Zero drawings were just plain wrong. You did a really good job with the drop tank, most drawings get that all wrong.