Thank you, Blowhard!!!
Four more from B series, this time export examples:
1. Fw-58K Turkish Air Force, serial 1702 (WNr.2156, ex D-OOWN) Hava Okulu (Aviation School) at Eskisehir, 1940
2. Fw-58B-2, Luchtvaartafdeeling (Dutch Army Aviation Group) LVA 199, De Vlijt Flying School, Texel, 1939.
3. Fw-58B-2, Luchtvaartbrigade (Dutch Army Aviation Brigade) LVA 197, De Vlijt Flying School, Texel, 1939.
4. Fw-58B-2, Soviet Air Force, still wearing German code D-OXWR while tested by NII VVS RKKA (Scientific Research Institiute of the Air Force), 1940.