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  1. #1

    Buchon references

    Hey all,

    I'm working on another project with Talos and we're struggling to find some really good references for the Buchon engine cowling. The fasteners are easy to pick out, but even the REALLY high resolution photos of all the flyable Buchons at air shows don't show the rivets all that well underneath the paint.

    I know some of you have done profiles of Buchons, so I was wondering if anyone could help point me in the right direction for references so we can do some reasonably accurate Buchon cowling line art.


  2. #2

    Re: Buchon references

    einige Buchon Zeichnungen finden sich in dieser Broschüre. ich denke dass die Zeichner auch hier im Forum aktiv sind und Ihnen helfen können.

    Hans-Jürgen Fischer
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