For fixes or changes to tutorials, PM myself or HH with the changes, and we'll try to make them. The articles are editable, but only from the administration site.
Whoops forgot something. Would it be possible for us to edit our tutorials? I have come across a couple of things I would like to add to mine. Don't know if this is too much of a pain or not.
For fixes or changes to tutorials, PM myself or HH with the changes, and we'll try to make them. The articles are editable, but only from the administration site.
Ok thanks m8.
Thanks Loke. I've got the basic category setup now, with a starter instruction set written. Check it out here:
Before we go public I still need to get some info from Serval on a few points, and we will have to work out the details of the upload/verify process.
If after looking at that page there are any ideas or advice, please post it here. I want this to be as well suited (as much as possible with our software) to what is needed and wanted.
[edit]We can accept a few sample submissions at this time, and we can see if the search system works well enough.
Last edited by adlabs6; 31st January 2006 at 18:21.
Cool, count me to test it.
Yes a standard naming convetion. I would love to see one implemented
What I currently use is as follows:
[AC (Optversion)] [Group] [Squad]-[Aircraft Number or Tail Code (not SN) or Aircraft Name] [SkinVersion (optional)].bmp
My old naming convention (about a year ago)
More recent naming Convention (within a month)
B24J 458thBG 752ndBS 7V-Z_03.bmp
B24J 43rdBG 64thBS It Aint So Funny.bmp
B24J 465thBG 780thBS-Blank-03.bmp
At least in both naming conventions everyone on comms is clear "what to wear"
Just a thought.
No matter what naming convention we use - IMO we need one.
It works!
It would be great to add:
1. An edit button so an erroneous entry can be edited.
2. A delete entry button.
3. Allow for url images rather tham uploading them on the server.
Still thinking...
Last edited by monguse; 31st January 2006 at 20:02.
Monguse... did you add this entry?
If so, how did you enter the data into the fields? Your entry returns a null or "illegal" link that doesn't work in Opera and Firefox. When I that link and pasted into the side box in my own test entry it works fine.
Perhaps it was some formatting in the text?
On the delete and edit thing, yes it's there, all I have to do is switch it on. BUT with this software, anyone can edit/delete anyones entries. I'm not sure I like that so I think we'll leave edits/deletes to staff for now.
What I would like to see, as a really poor novice skinner, is a whole load of tutorials that are organised into easy-peasy to find sections; not by author but by subject. I know there are some, but more please and a user-friendly menu fro them.
Plus, not skins but templates. If this site hosted all of the available templates for each a/c then there would be a one-stop place where we could see what's what. Searchable by subject AND author, 'cos people have their favourite planes AND skinners.
How about a skin request thread/forum as well?
A bit more user friendly menu would be helpfull indeed.
@dunkelgr?n, do you need any template specifically? I got a B-24 template at and Jester's inc also got loads of templates somewhere. Look for the link in his sig (small print)