This site wants to help people who want to make skins, repaints or textures for (flight) simulators, games and mods. At the left side you will most of the time find the main menu that helps you to find the information we offer.
Before you start on this site, make sure you read especially the site rules in our FAQ.
Make sure to check out the tutorials, articles and forums we offer for skinning with Photoshop, Paintshop Pro and GIMP. We also have seperate categories for Forgotten Battles and Pacific Fighters, (Combat) Flight Simulator, Lock On, Falcon 4, Aces High, Battle of Brittain 2, Warbirds and Targetware, which deal with specific matters. Still it can be usefull to look at Photoshop tutorials when you are PSP or GIMP user, since the idea of doing things is often very much the same.
Also looking at tutorials for other games can be helpfull because they can handle about problems you are facing as well.
If you want to contribute your own tutorial, then you can upload the images easily (mind the sizes) and then insert them into the text. How this is done you can read HERE.
The Color swatches offer lists with RGB values of paint used by various airforces. Beside that you will find standard lists like FS-595b and RAL.
In the downloads section you can find templates with markings. There you will also find TTF fonts for serial numbers as used by the USAF, RAF and Luftwaffe. Also templates for skins and repaints can be found here. Feel free to share your own work we support files up to 50 MB. For bigger files you can contact us.
If you are unable to find something or still have questions do not hesitate to ask anything in the forums. There are a lot of helpful people around that are willing to help you out with any skinning / repainting related problem.
Last edited by Serval; 6th December 2006 at 22:36.