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  1. #1

    Not sure if this has been done?

    How about some of you talented gurus out there make up a small tutorial on how to make a template?! Yup, template!!! I've been working on one (on and off) for about 3-4 months. Wondered what some of the trick of trade were so to speak
    Things like how you redraw the riveting especially on diagonals, how you make your metal effect - that sort of thing.

    What you think?
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Not sure if this has been done?

    Templates will be added. We are still working on the module for templates and the templates themselves.

    Can you specify which problems you meet or what you find hard in the process?

    Do you mean the basics (panellines) or weathering also?
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    6?10'32.04"S - 106?49'35.89"E

    Re: Not sure if this has been done?

    Quote Originally Posted by UKPsycho
    Things like how you redraw the riveting especially on diagonals
    Ok, here's what I do to draw diagonal rivets: don't use pencil tool since it's only suitable for straight - horizontal and vertical rivets, use brush tool instead.

    Infact, I use this technique to redraw all rivets to give a smoother look IMO.

    Settings: 1 px brush (2 px for large rivets/screws), 0% hardness and 350% to 450% pixel spacing (up to 650% for wider spacing between rivets).

    Here's some quick screenshots (sorry for the size, folks ):

    Brush size, hardness and spacing settings:

    Start working on a new layer above the void (use it as riveting guide)

    Start drawing. Click on a rivet and hold [shift] while clicking on the other end of the rivets line. Repeat as necessary to other rivet lines as well. If you're doing it right it will looks like this:

    Continue drawing by following the void's rivet lines. Dont worry if it looks messy. We'll solve that in the end. Use different brush spacing for wider spaced rivets.

    Hide the void reference layer to see the result:

    For further comparation, I copied a portion of the void file layer and moved it below the new rivets layer:

    Finally, to make the "messy" rivets look "cleaner", just adjust the opacity of the new rivets layer (in this case, to 20%). Here's the result:

    No more jagged rivet lines
    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Quote Originally Posted by UKPsycho
    how you make your metal effect - that sort of thing.
    I'll make some other screenshots about this later. But in short, my technique is to use the gradient fill with shades from dark grey to very light gray/white.

    Hope this helps
  4. #4

    Re: Not sure if this has been done?

    Well, the more info the better

    What I meant was maybe something could be written on how you do the panelling and rivets (things like rivets should be 3 pixels apart?....) and then as a next step how to do a metal finish, how to make the panel lines and rivets we've drawn blend in properly to the metallic body and so forth.

    Not sure if I've explained that properly mind lol

    Edit: Just seen your post Aero_Shodanjo, thats what I meant! Cheers!
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
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    Re: Not sure if this has been done?

    Quote Originally Posted by UKPsycho
    Edit: Just seen your post Aero_Shodanjo, thats what I meant! Cheers!
    LOL I guess we're posting at the same time

    Well, that was what Im working on just now heheheh...
  6. #6

    Re: Not sure if this has been done?

    Yeah man ! You know what ?
    You just make me discover something I didn't know about PHOTOSHOP : how to customs lines.
    I was formaly doing that with PAIN SHOP PRO 7 ...
    Zargos the Boss

  7. #7

    Re: Not sure if this has been done?

    Quote Originally Posted by UKPsycho
    How about some of you talented gurus out there make up a small tutorial on how to make a template?! Yup, template!!! I've been working on one (on and off) for about 3-4 months. Wondered what some of the trick of trade were so to speak
    Things like how you redraw the riveting especially on diagonals, how you make your metal effect - that sort of thing.

    What you think?
    I have a metal tut at my site. Not mine

    The way i play with metal would take tons of post. You can't get the same effect twice..
  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Not sure if this has been done?

    If we are sweet, maybe we are allowed to host Adlabs metal tutorial...
    Not sure though...
  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    6?10'32.04"S - 106?49'35.89"E

    Re: Not sure if this has been done?

    bump for Adlabs6' metal tutorial
  10. #10

    Re: Not sure if this has been done?

    I've never seen his metal

    Must be good.. Post it!

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