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    Reflection maps (Targetware)

    This is a small tutorial about adding reflection maps in targetland. Before you start on this, please make sure that this feature is enabled. You can enable it in the gui (settings, video, graphics, environment map : 1 ) or by editing your config.txt by changing the following line: Environment Map = 1. Afaik it's enabled by default.

    The second step will be creating a 'skn' subfolder in the ac's root folder (if there isn't one). I worked on the P47 for TT, so the location will be:
    ..\Targetware\data\tt\planes\p47\skn . This will be your working directory.

    The third step will be creating a *.skn file. This sounds more complicated than it is, you can use a existing one by simply modifying it in a text editor (f.e. notepad on a windows machine). The *.skn file has to be located in the planes root folder. Here's an example file I made for this tutorial:

    name = P-47D-30, t01 
    num_textures = 4 
    [Texture 1] 
    orig = p47_ext_fuse.tga 
    skin = skn/p47_ext_fuse.tga 
    [Texture 2] 
    orig = p47_ext_wings.tga 
    skin = skn/p47_ext_wings.tga 
    [Texture 3] 
    orig = p47_ext_fuse.tga 
    skin = skn/ref01_fuse.tga 
    type = reflmap 
    [Texture 4] 
    orig = p47_ext_wings.tga 
    skin = skn/ref01_wings.tga 
    type = reflmap
    Like you see, the first line is the name that will apear in the graphical user interface ingame, the second one is necessary for the #'s of the textures. Texture 1 +2 are the original files (or a copy of them in the skn-subfolder), textures 3 + 4 are defining the reflection map.
    Ok, after files and folders are prepared you can start texturing It's of course easier if you have a layered psd-file of the original texture, but it's possible (with some work) building the reflection map from the existing diffuse texture.
    So, here's the original skin without the reflection map.

    Name:  ttp47_tut01.jpg
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    Now I built a plain white reflection map in Photoshop and saved the files as a greyscale tga in the skn-subdirectory. You can see very clearly that the white color gives you the highest possible reflection. On the opposite side you'll have no reflection at all if your reflection map is completely black.
    *IMPORTANT NOTE*: the reflection map have to be a greyscale tga, just desaturating the image doesn't work. In Photoshop you'll find this option under: image, mode, greyscale.

    Name:  ttp47_tut02.jpg
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    and here's the reflection map:
    Name:  ttp47_tut_ref01.jpg
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    On the next image you'll see that I made a copy of the panels and rivets from the original psd-file and added them. Since I don't want reflection in this area I turned them to black with a 100% opacity. Now I've some clearly defined areas in it.

    Name:  ttp47_tut03.jpg
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    and the reflection map is looking this way:
    Name:  ttp47_tutref02.gif
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    on the next step I added some dirt on it, this areas shouldn't be reflective, too

    Name:  ttp47_tut04.jpg
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    and the map:
    Name:  ttp47_tut_ref03.jpg
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    on the next image I defined some more areas which shouldn't be reflective at all or having a different level of reflection. (see the gun access panels of the wing surface or the fuselage tail selection).

    Name:  ttp47_tut05.jpg
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    the reflection map is looking now like this:
    Name:  ttp47_tut_ref04.jpg
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    and here's now the final version: the environment map is very dark, and it looks less reflective than the previous versions. But if you look at it in the game you'll see the reflection much better than on this image

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    the final one:
    Name:  ttp47_tut_ref05.jpg
Views: 6370
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    It's also possible making a reflection map by desaturating the existing diffuse map (the 'skin') and playing arround with the levels and brightness/contrast. but there will be some areas that needs to be overpainted, f.e. areas like the white star on an US ac.
    Last edited by Serval; 13th December 2015 at 20:42.

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