Overall a very good looking profile.
But I do have some comments on details.
The Spinner looks like a rounded square with the current lighting.
The smoke is too much a thin solid line. I think you best study photo's for the exhaust.
The rigging also looks too square, especially at the fin and rudder.
It's cloth stretched around the ribs. So, actually you only see a bit of the ribs stick out. Look at these photo's to see how minimal the ribbing actually is with the Hurricane. In flight it will be a little more visible due to airflow.
With my drawing I try to make visible how your ribbing looks like vs how the ribbing should be.
I think the quality of the drawing is good enough to be picky on such details, since they give it a little unnatural look.
I've added a profile of Jesters that shows the shading that way. Though it maybe even might be more subtile to my taste.