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  1. #1

    Albatros D.Va and Fokker D.VII 3D Models

    I didn't know if to place these here or elsewhere, but since they're models and they're scaled I guess I'd thought I'll place them here. This is a model of a WW1 Albatros and Fokker D.VII made with LW9, Photoshop CS2 and Adobe Illustrator CS2. These were my 1st attempt at serious modelling and texturing and experience is gathered along the way. I always thought skinning in PF was tough, but modelling takes the cake. Anyway hope you like them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Albatros D.Va and Fokker D.VII 3D Models

    Very nice work, good details.

    I see you were referred by Faust, (if he's the same one I know) who I know is a lightwave users also.

  3. #3

    Re: Albatros D.Va and Fokker D.VII 3D Models

    It's me Faust. Just changed the name. Sorry should've mentioned that earlier. Lost the original password and just didn't bother applying for a reminder. You can delete that account (faust). Sounds funny, huh? I referred myself. Haha! I love how the site looks and I recognized the model from the head banner.

    Anyway, thanks for the comment. The new project (Arado 234) is hell to texture and skin. Unlike the templates in PF I have to use perspectives and line up the camo and panels. The model is 90% done and I've added the side camo and panels to see how it looks. Allow me to say the engine details on the Albatros is my pride and joy. I didn't want to place too much details on it for the poly count, but I made it as accurate as possible.

    I hope didn't break any rules by applying under a new name. But it's sure good to be back.
    Last edited by altarboy; 15th October 2006 at 18:46.
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Albatros D.Va and Fokker D.VII 3D Models

    Ah, a name change!

    No a new name is fine, I didn't recognize your name off your render or else I'd have figured it out myself.

    Looking at the engine in the pic, it looks nicely detailed. Nice textures and materials also. On the Arado, I've had to UV a few models which required perspective mapping, and it takes some effort to examine the model and decide the best places to cut the UVs this way. Be sure to post some pics of the Arado sometime!

  5. #5

    Re: Albatros D.Va and Fokker D.VII 3D Models

    Nice stuff Are you interested in modeling for Richthofen's Skies?
    Sorry for the shameless recruiting :P

  6. #6

    Re: Albatros D.Va and Fokker D.VII 3D Models

    Hmmm...sounds interesting Blowhard. Give some more details and I'll see.
  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Albatros D.Va and Fokker D.VII 3D Models

    Nice work Faust/Alterboy,the D.Va looks the Superb
  8. #8

    Re: Albatros D.Va and Fokker D.VII 3D Models

    Very nice 3D models !

    The Albatros certainly isn't the easiest project.

    I got the free Poser 5 and thought about building a simple 3D WW1 aircraft for it, maybe the Fokker E5 or the Sopwith Pup to makes scenes with the Poser people.

    Have the free Blender 3D program but by the time I understand the interface I will be too old of age to build a model
  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Arkansas, USA

    Re: Albatros D.Va and Fokker D.VII 3D Models

    Wow, Faust, those are really nice.
  10. #10

    Re: Albatros D.Va and Fokker D.VII 3D Models

    Thanks folks! Pinsel, I have Poser 6 and recently bought Bryce 6 to do environmental scenery. The pilots with the models were done with Poser 6. Modelling human figures with LW9 is uber hard and I just wanted a shortcut. The pilot flying gear was hand made and with some success incorporated with the Poser models. But try your hand you never know how good you are until you try. I started a Sopwith Camel and will finish it later this year. The Arado Ar-234 is being redone at the moment.

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