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  1. #1

    Arado Ar-234B "Blitz"

    Here's where I've reached with this model. Texturing was hell to do and I almost gave up on the whole project. But I stuck with it and to me it looks half decent enough. Still more work on texturing and adding bits and pieces. Comments welcomed from you seasoned skinners.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Arado Ar-234B "Blitz"

    Good looking model, quite nicely detailed. There's a few pixels of misalignment along the top of the fuselage, you can see the panel lines and camo don't meet. Probably could shift those parts of the texture around a bit to solve that.

  3. #3

    Re: Arado Ar-234B "Blitz"

    Yep see it. Will fix it soon.
  4. #4

    Re: Arado Ar-234B "Blitz"

    It looks very nice!
    Just at first glance a few things about the camouflage stand out. You may want to double check your photo reference. The splinter camouflage was not hard edged, not sprayed with masks, but had a tight feathered edge. It should but just a bit fuzzy, not so sharp. Also, I'd say the lower color demarcation is too fuzzy, but this is where photo reference comes in. If it looks that way in the photo or photos you are using, then that's good enough
    Also check the colors. That is certainly supposed to be RLM 81 braunviolet? There were variations but I'd say your color is a bit too brown and rich.
    Of course the green on 234s could be any of the late war greens. Probably 82 in this case?
    So far it looks pretty solid

  5. #5

    Re: Arado Ar-234B "Blitz"

    The lighting was notched up a bit so that counts for the lighter hue. The reference photos showed the camo a bit hard edged. I'll make a recheck on it. I may make a second model to make the nightfighter version.
  6. #6

    Re: Arado Ar-234B "Blitz"

    I just finished this test render of the night fighter version (Ar 234 N-3). I made it into an experimental, field modified fighter with 2x30mm ventral gun pod together with the 2x20mm rearward-firing cannon. Fug 218 Neptun V radar was also added as well as a second cockpit. The RATO underwing pods were taken out and replaced with a tail-mounted RATO assembly as was used in the Recon version in later models. Gee, wonder if they'll use this in the '46 add-on?
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  7. #7

    Re: Arado Ar-234B "Blitz"

    Here's another render.
  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Arado Ar-234B "Blitz"

    Thats really dramatic! good stuff

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