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  1. #1

    '46' add-on/Templates

    With the release of '46' I am anxiously awaiting the Ta-152C ( three years now ). And since the C version has shorter wings than the H version. My question is; What is required to make a template? Must one wait for the release of the add-on? Is the void skin necessary? Is the void skin used to make a template? I am currently collecting color pictures but models are all I found.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: '46' add-on/Templates

    This probaby will depend on getting a void for the new model.

    I seem too recall some years ago that a few voids were released by UBI ahead of new aircraft being added in a patch. I can't say who was behind this action or if there is any chance of it happening again, I would doubt it though.

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