Very dramatic and convincing skin!
Hurricane IIC BN230/FT-A flown by Sqn Ldr Leroy du Vivier DFC and bar, C de G (Belge) while leader of 43 Sqn at Acklington, May 1942.
In this aircraft du Vivier claimed a part kill of a JU88 of the North East coast of England, near the town of Newcastle on May 25th.
The emblem on both sides is the Belgium flag and the RAF flag crossed over 43 Sqns black and white checks.
Three skins included, FT-A, national markings and tail flash only. (all have the cockpit art).
Many thx to FBS for an awesome template, with bits added from Serval, Pavlac and myself.
Uploaded here ::Flying Legends | WarBirds of WWII home page:: and here Mission4Today ? Downloads
Very dramatic and convincing skin!