?The legend of Y-29? P-51 campaign by 1.JaVA_Sjonnie
(IL2FB+AEP+PF v4.04m or higher)
The Blue- nosed bastards from Bodney over Belgium 32 missions- 48 skins
This campaign puts you in the shoes of a 487 squadron, 352 FG pilot in the battle of the Bulge, during the 1944- 1945 winter in Europe, flying the P-51.
You will fly all kinds of missions, from patrol and escort to V1- chasing, scrambles, ground attack and interception of German jets- you won?t get bored!
Lining up for wingtipping
The front line will move along with the battle that rages below. You will witness Bastogne and the 101st airborne division getting surrounded, you will know when the panzers are moving toward the allied fuel dumps, you will find out just how George Preddy died?
On new year?s day, 1945, you can try to re- create the victory that earned 487 the distinguished unit citation.
Col. Meyer scoring a kill during take-off
In the legendary setting of ?operation Bodenplatte you will find all 12 individual skins of the 487FS aircraft that took part, along skins for Mel Paisley?s ?la mort? P47 and Gunther Specht?s JG11 aircraft.
Other missions also come with high quality skins, made by 1.JaVA_Serval, 1.JaVA_Platypus, Canon_UK, Aero_Shodanjo, Hoarmurath, 10tacle, Opa and FlugFarbe.
Lack of situational awareness can be killing
The briefings are in English, with many historical details. The missions can be flown in any difficulty setting. They were researched with the help of the official 352FG website and many other sources.
To install, right- click and select ?save target as? and point to you FB folder before unzipping. Please check out the read-me file before getting started.
Download the campaign from 1e JaVA (Download - Missions)
Have fun!!