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It covers a pair of Fortress I's of 90 Sq RAF. In mid 1941, these aircraft were used to attack German targets by using high altitude bombing. To say that these attacks were not a success would be understating things. The truth was that just a few planes wasn't the ticket to any major success and that much larger numbers of planes were needed. The aircraft were used piece-meal so were unable to prove strategic bombing principles espoused by the US. After two months in combat, they were farmed out to some other units with most ending up doing coastal patrol with 220 Sq Coastal Command where their long range was an asset.

What makes these two aircraft important is that they were pioneers. WP*G took part in the squadron's first raid against Wilhelmshaven in July 1941. WP*F was the first B-17 to actually take an enemy bullet, that occuring during a raid on Keil in August of 1941. Colors for these planes is dark green and dark earth on the upper sides with the lower section and fin being painted an unusual color of blue called 'Deep Sky Blue' which was described as an azure blue. It was probably quite similar to what was later known as PRU Blue, but there is no official documentation on this color nor any surviving color chips.