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Thread: Album top 5

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Album top 5

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    Serval, I've lost touch I guess, out of your choices I've only heard of Queensryche

    I'm cheating a bit.
    And my music taste is wider as well. Only house music is really rare for me to like.

    But here some more about the music:

    Ayreon - Into The Electric Castle
    A Dutch "band" where quite a few well known rock artists joined over the years. A must for people who like (symphonic) rock, gothic and/or concept albums.
    Arjen A. Lucassen's Ayreon - Home for info and a (huge) list of artist who joined. Both Dutch and international ones.

    Dream Theater - Images and Words
    Well, a pretty well known American band. If you like heavy medolic rock, give it a try. Dream Theater - The Official Site

    Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime
    Well also medolic rock, but different from Dream Theater

    3rd and the Mortal - Sorrow
    A Norwegian band with (doom) metal roots. You might have guessed by the name. The music is pretty psychedelic and slow though. Their site has 30 sec samples of some songs. Though my collegue says it sounds like all intros, they do give a good impression of the song.
    The 3rd and the Mortal

    Chirra Niva - Liaison de la Morte
    Again a Dutch band. Psychedelic. Unfortunately they quit some time ago. A friend of mine joined them a few months before that.
    Here is something on the band Specials - Chirra Niva

    And a few pictures I made of a concert by them (love the old fashion film grain on the pics ). They look spooky, but it's for the concept album about a man moarning over his killed wife. The site tells a bit more about that.

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    I've played bassguitar in bands for several years, from Symphonic rock to metal and (rock) covers. I guess that explains why I like experimental music that tries new things or mixes styles.
  2. #12

    Re: Album top 5

    Top Five of all time Mmm!
    Having spent most of my life in recording studios as a musician this is a toughie. My love for music is very eclectic so I'll give you my read on albums that I feel have made a huge musical dent.
    1. Miles Davis Kinda Blue.......Brilliant
    2.Sgt Pepper's Lonley Hearts Band......paved the way for recording as we now know it.
    3.Steeley Dan Cant Buy a Thrill The guitar parts are a killer(Carlton,Ritenour,Denny Diaz,Jeff Skunk Baxter, mi amigos.Love em all.
    4.Zeppelin..(Box set) All 4 discs. Stunning stuff
    5.Dylans Highway 61 The players on that album Paul Butterfield,Michael Bloomfield,Harvey Brooks,Al Kooper etc Yummy!!

    If I can add one more, it is Eveerything, I mean Eveerything Buddy Guy has ever recorded. Folks like Clapton will bend a knee and back off a solo to make room for this guy. He is in my opinion, the best blues guitarist alive.
  3. #13

    Re: Album top 5

    Hey Serval, I play bass too, although the last regular working band I was in was in the early 90s. I've not been playing too much since then.
    That dead looking bass player in Chirra Niva is kind of a dead sort of way
    I used to be strictly hard rock, early heavy metal and punk but I started hitting the jazz stuff in the mid 80s and never looked back. I'm almost all post WW2 straight-ahead jazz and jazz fusion now. Any hot Dutch jazz bands?

    Miles Davis Kinda Blue Great stuff, I've got an original album with the cellophane still on it I almost like Porgy and Bess better but I'm a HUGE ESP and Nefertiti fan too.
    Steeley Dan Cant Buy a Thrill Great album! I'd put most all their albums on my top 100 (or more )
    Al Hirt Wow, I haven't heard anyone mention him in a while. Great tone.
    Hunhunter, you're quite the metal fan huh? What about Toys In The Attic?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Album top 5

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOWHARD View Post
    Hey Serval, I play bass too, although the last regular working band I was in was in the early 90s. I've not been playing too much since then.
    I stopped playing in the late 90's. Tough I did a gig with a cover band in july. Was nice to do once again.

    That dead looking bass player in Chirra Niva is kind of a dead sort of way
    *looks around if wifey is around*
    Pssst... she is also nice when not looking dead. But she's married to the bass-player of Pain of Salvation

    I used to be strictly hard rock, early heavy metal and punk but I started hitting the jazz stuff in the mid 80s and never looked back. I'm almost all post WW2 straight-ahead jazz and jazz fusion now. Any hot Dutch jazz bands?

    Miles Davis Kinda Blue Great stuff, I've got an original album with the cellophane still on it I almost like Porgy and Bess better but I'm a HUGE ESP and Nefertiti fan too.
    Steeley Dan Cant Buy a Thrill Great album! I'd put most all their albums on my top 100 (or more )
    Al Hirt Wow, I haven't heard anyone mention him in a while. Great tone.
    Hunhunter, you're quite the metal fan huh? What about Toys In The Attic?
    I'm not really into Jazz, so I'm not familiar with Dutch Jazz bands. Would have to ask one of my customers who's into Jazz. But it might take long before I'll see him again.
  5. #15

    Re: Album top 5

    Heres what I think is a pretty definitive top 10 Jazz list.

    1.Benny Goodman Quintet- Carnegy Hall Concert 1939
    2.Duke Ellington at Newpot- 1956
    3.Lambert,Hendricks,and Ross,-Everybody's Boppin - 1961 (Lovie It)
    4.Jimmy Smith- Back to the Chicken Shack - 1960
    5.Basie Swings, Joe Williams Sings - 1965 (A Must)
    6.Arturo Sandoval Hot house - 1998
    7.David Sanborn - Pearls 1998 ( A Must)
    9 Earl Hines Plays Ellington - 1978
    10.George Benson - Breezin 1974 ( A Must)

    Lastly maybe not this list but a fantastic piece of music
    "Ray Sings,Basie Swings"
    These are cuts Ray Charles recorded over 30 years ago.
    The tracks were stripped down to basics (ie piano Bass and drums) last year, and the Basie Orchestra came into the studio and re recorded big band arrangements to everything then digitally remastered. Ray never sounded so good.

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