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Thread: Armed Assualt

  1. #1

    Armed Assualt

    I recently downloaded this new title from BI, the makers of Operation Flash point, and Virtual Battlespace.

    Its very pretty Though you need a monster PC to run it.

    I must say the helos in this one look very realistic. I post some images later of those. UH-60, MH-6, AH-1Z, and others.
  2. #2
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Milton Keynes

    Re: Armed Assualt

    That looks stunning, you have a link please?


  4. #4

    Re: Armed Assualt

    ArmA: Armed Assault

    The game in not out in the US yet. It has only been released in Germany and the Czech Republic.

    Its alittle buggy, and needs some patches. Like I was saying, you need a super computer to run it. You may want to wait till January for it to be released.
    But you can dowload the german version from here:

    Download German Armed Assault Now | News |
    And install an english patch, if you can't wait.

    Also, they've just released a mp demo. If you do decide to get it, or dl the demo, visit simhq's forum for the game. Some tips there to gain better performance.

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