Not looking to bad mate.
Couple of things, if you don't mind.
Reduce the black rivets so they are barely visable and darken the yellow in the nose checks (more of a orange/yellow colour)
It might even be worth removing the rivets from the upper wing surface (but not the wing root ones or gun cover screws) to simulate the Laminar wing used
- compared to the photo the ruder seems to be unpainted.
- are there d-day stripes on the photo?
- the "II" is smaller and rotated, the "S" is a bit bigger.
- the shape of the "S" in the aircraft code is different.
little hint: try to avoid black, use instead of it a dark grey (so you'll have still some shadowing in dark areas; all game engines can't go darker than 100% black same with white, btw... )
- anti glare panel should be olive drab (maybe it is allready but I can't see it because of my monitor settings... )