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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Stirlings, a Bomber Command sim etc ?

    Hi folks,
    Sometime ago someone was developing a sim entitled Target For Tonight, It was looking good, the skinned (greys) wireframe of the Stirling had my attention ...but nothing came of it. I still long to fly Stirlings, hampdens, Whitleys, Wellingtons taxiing under moonlight, having an AEC Matador refuel the kite, bomb trolleys winding their way out to dispersal, flak, nightfighters, coming home two engines out and so on, landing in FIDO. Does anyone know if such exists. Such a major chunk of our aviation heritage to be had here. Oboe, Gee, H2S sets glowing and so on. Dropping window. Low level raids in daylight,...the options are staggering.
  2. #2

    Re: Stirlings, a Bomber Command sim etc ?

    are you looking for targetware "t4t (target for today)" mod?

    link to the forum:

    Targetware :: Index

    the mod leader is a dedicated buffer, he build the avro lancester and the avro manchester for it. dunno about other ac's in development, better ask him about it

    p.s.: yep, tw is allways searching for 2D artists
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Stirlings, a Bomber Command sim etc ?

    Thanks for that link, not sure if they are aiming at night offensives, Whitleys, Hampdens etc, and the general RAF Bomber Command UK take off, Germany target, back here for breakfast scenario, they certainly have firm intentions, and I wish them well. Perhaps they can also do night ops, there was talk of muzzle flashes at night so I must read into the forum deeper or simply ask them !
    target for Tonight team wireframes etc, wonder what happened to them ?
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Stirlings, a Bomber Command sim etc ?

    I remember the site. I had it bookmarked and checked it every so often for an update. It was planned to release the sim as freeware and it was making good progress and looking very good. Then one day the site was gone and I have heard nothing since. Shame. I would have loved to see how players would have coped if they were given a target and then had to plot the route on a blank map working out wind drift, met diversions and route around flak hotspots. I wonder how many people could navigate their way to the target and actually drop the bomb load on it, all in the dark!

    Of course in reality it would have been simplified like IL2 with a route to follow on the map with waypoints etc, but it would have been challenging and interesting to do it properly
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Central Florida

    Re: Stirlings, a Bomber Command sim etc ?

    I believe that a release has been made for the Target for Today module. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the map covers a huge portion of Europe.

    Indeed T4T and Targetware in general is always looking for skinners to work on aircraft, interiors etc. I've been slowly working on skinning the Lancaster for the T4T module, here are a couple of WIP shots from a few months ago. So far as I know there are going to be a few Marks of the Lanc, including Grand Slam and Dambuster specials. There is also a Manchester in the works.

    Last edited by turnipkiller; 30th December 2006 at 17:34.
  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Stirlings, a Bomber Command sim etc ?

    The Target For Tonight sim that BobC describes is nothing to do with Targetware. It was a standalone freeware sim in development and their site showed screenshots of partly made aircraft and ground meshes.
  7. #7

    Re: Stirlings, a Bomber Command sim etc ?

    Yupp, that one folded.
    Rick G, the "boss" and more or less only coder has vanished form the flight sim scene. The Lancaster they used in "advertisements" had been done by a 3D modeller called Eddie W who is still around. After working on the failed KoE he made and makes addons for MSFS (and CFS?). Some "bystanders" like Trumper are still on flight sim forums as well.

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