I just found this today it will convert your file to a DDS file
DDS Converter 2:
I'm using Gimp 2.0 & need the dds plugin for doing some texture projects...
I want to use a bmp, add transparent background with colored top layer,generate mipmaps & save as a dds file...
I've downloaded the dds plugin for Gimp,,& read the installation instructions,,but don't understand how to implement the plugin,,(a little out of my league)..
Is there another/easier solution to accomplish what I'm looking to do?
Is Photoshop the preferred program to do textures with alpha,mipmaps,layers,etc?
I tried a dds converter 2.1 app,,but it wouldn't do what i wanted...
I think Nvidia makes a plugin for Photoshop that will do the trick,,but i can't afford PS at this time...
Any suggestions appreciated,
I just found this today it will convert your file to a DDS file
DDS Converter 2:
Here is what I wrote in the Skinner's Pack documentation:
GIMP users can now load/save DDS file Using the following plugin:
Plug-In: DDS
If you look for the plugin dir during installation, it is (for me) at ".\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins"
There may(!) be an issue with just using "save" not keeping the "subformat". If so, just use "save as" instead of "save"..
This works very nicely for me (Osram), but there is also one at:
GIMP DDS plugin
Thanks,,but i already had this dds converter,,it wouldn't let me edit layers,that's why i needed the dds plug-in..
Thank you,,i got (gimp-dds-win32-1.2) dds plug-in ,,installed it into my plug-ins folder,,wa la..![]()
Now I've got dds capabilities in my Gimp prog,,i think this is exactly what i
I had earlier tried to install the other plug-in (below) with these instructions,,& couldn't figure out the installation procedure...
************************************************** *****
The only required packages that must be installed to build the plugin
(besides Gtk+ and the GIMP) are:
1) gimp version 2.0.0 or later
2) pkg-config version 0.14 or later
3) glut library version 3.7 or later
4) GLEW library version 1.3.3 or later
For RedHat and Mandrake Linux distributions, you'll need to have the 'devel'
RPMs installed for Gtk+, Glib and GIMP.
Building for Windows with mingw
To compile the plugin for use with the Windows version of GIMP you'll need
to use the MingW environment (MinGW - Home). You'll need to install
the runtime and development packages for the following libraries:
1) gimp 2.x
2) glib2
3) gtk+2
4) pango
5) atk
6) pkg-config
7) glut
To build, type "make WIN32=1"
1. Type 'make' to build the plugin
2. Type 'make install' to install the plugin. By default the plugin will be
installed in your GIMP user plugin directory ($HOME/.gimp-2.2/plug-ins). If
you want to install the plugin system-wide, as root you must manually copy the
plugin to the system GIMP plugin directory.
Sorry Bub I thought you needed to convert your Image to a DDS file.
I don't have gimp never used it.
Im sorry I was not much help
I appreciate you trying to help me,,some times because of my ignorance,,i don't make myself clear..
Btw,,what image program do you use??
I've been using Gimp for about 2 yrs.
I like it because it has most,, if not all the features some of the more popular programs do,and best of all it's free,,also,, i feel like i half way know my way around it now....
I have Paint Shop Pro.
Been using it since the 90's I have versions 7 thru 10 with 11 on the way , and I feel the same I sort of know my way around PSP but there is so much that they do I still havn't even scratched the surface so to speak.
Is there a reasonably priced PaintShop prog??What version would be good & cheap??![]()
Send me an e-mail I may be able to do something for you