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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Showing and viewing images.

    As we noticed, some images were way too big to be viewed nicely in the forum.
    This gave some layout problems. To solve the problem we changed the forum a bit.
    You can upload images that are up to 1280 wide, but in the forum they are shown with a width of 750 pixels max. This rule applies both for uplaoded and linked images. We chose this size because that gives a good view in the tutorials on a monitor with 1280 width.

    To view the full version of the image you can doubleclick on them, and the full version will open in a new window.
    We hope this is a nice way to let you still share big images without getting a mess.
    The other solution would be to deny or resize images during upload and stop accepting linked images.

    Two examples:
    Last edited by Serval; 20th July 2009 at 16:17.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Showing and viewing images.

    Image uploading and attachment in your forum posts

    We've added a few new tools to the forums over the last months that probably could do with some explaining. These comments apply to the full reply form, not the quick reply box.

    Firstly, lets look at the tool bar on the reply box, and we can see the attachment tool. It's the paperclip icon, as shown below. Clicking it opens the main attachment window.
    Name:  1.jpg
Views: 257
Size:  56.7 KB

    The attachment window itself is pretty straight forward, just choose your files, hit upload and wait. Now we'll take a look at what we can do with our attachments to better format the post the way we want it to look.

    To get started with some special formating, take a look at the paperclip icon again, and this time notice the small downward arrow beside it. Clicking this arrow will bring up a menu which lists all the files we have attached to this post.
    Name:  2.jpg
Views: 246
Size:  67.7 KB

    Now lets place a few of our attachments into the post in specific places. I'll begin by placing my cursor at the location that I want the image to appear with in my text. I can also select a piece of text by dragging the cursor. Now click on the paperclip downward arrow, and click the desired attachment from the list. A special code will then be inserted into my text where the cursor was located, or if I had selected some text, that text will be replaced by the code. This code will be processed after posting the message, and the chosen image attachment will appear in that location. Very easy.

    You can use this tool to better allow you to comment on a particular image attachment, with text placed near the image, just as you see in this example post and my images.

  3. #3

    Re: Showing and viewing images.

    Can someboby tells me what DEEPLINKING is? And howcome i cannot show my uploaded files on other sites by a direct link???
  4. #4
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Showing and viewing images.

    Quote Originally Posted by adlabs6 View Post
    Image uploading and attachment in your forum posts

    We've added a few new tools to the forums over the last months that probably could do with some explaining. These comments apply to the full reply form, not the quick reply box.

    Firstly, lets look at the tool bar on the reply box, and we can see the attachment tool. It's the paperclip icon, as shown below. Clicking it opens the main attachment window.
    Name:  1.jpg
Views: 257
Size:  56.7 KB

    The attachment window itself is pretty straight forward, just choose your files, hit upload and wait. Now we'll take a look at what we can do with our attachments to better format the post the way we want it to look.

    To get started with some special formating, take a look at the paperclip icon again, and this time notice the small downward arrow beside it. Clicking this arrow will bring up a menu which lists all the files we have attached to this post.
    Name:  2.jpg
Views: 246
Size:  67.7 KB

    Now lets place a few of our attachments into the post in specific places. I'll begin by placing my cursor at the location that I want the image to appear with in my text. I can also select a piece of text by dragging the cursor. Now click on the paperclip downward arrow, and click the desired attachment from the list. A special code will then be inserted into my text where the cursor was located, or if I had selected some text, that text will be replaced by the code. This code will be processed after posting the message, and the chosen image attachment will appear in that location. Very easy.

    You can use this tool to better allow you to comment on a particular image attachment, with text placed near the image, just as you see in this example post and my images.
    In the above post all the links to photos or screen shots are NOT showing. How do I get them to show? By the way I'm a new member here and don't understand all that I see. I'm also getting the same little note for the tutorials.
    Joe W.
    Last edited by JoeW; 19th November 2007 at 12:59.
  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Showing and viewing images.

    What do you see?
    You talk about a note.
    We do not hide images and attachments for non registered people, like other sites do. Everyone should be able to see the images.

    So, could you tell some more details about what you exactly see and which browser you are using?
  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Showing and viewing images.

    If you can JoeW, try to upload a screenshot of the issue. That'll help us solve it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Showing and viewing images.

    This is the notes I'm seeing. This is on the forum and the tutorials.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Showing and viewing images.

    Thanks for that screenshot Joe. That should not be happening.

    Could you post the entire URL from the titlebar when you are seeing those images? Unlikely, but if you are viewing through a proxy there might be such an issue.

    Thanks for the help, and sorry for the trouble.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Showing and viewing images.

    This is the URL:
    I can't even see that shot I posted.
    I would really like to know whats causing this. The browser I'm using is Firefox.
    Joe W.

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