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Thread: How Do I

  1. #1

    How Do I

    Hello All ,

    I have a ? for you?? I have a template i want to use, and want to put markings on there, I can cut the layer and paste where i want but how do I get just the marking symbol, I am using a brown and green camoflage 109 with the <1 marking and I want to take away the camo and just use the marking to place on my other skin how do I do that, I have read and read and can't find anything about doing that.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: How Do I

    Hi there, I'll give an easy way that might work...

    Firstly, on the green and brown camo 109, check to see if the <1 mark is on it's own layer. If it is, then you can use the marquee tool to select that area of the skin (where the mark is) and then copy/paste into your new template.

    If the marking you want is not on it's own layer, but is flattened into the camo (such as on a final skin) then you have two options. First is trying to carefully cut the marking out using the selection tools, or otherwise you must download a marking set (I think there is one here at SPS... I'll check) and then use that on your template.

    EDIT: Yes, there are some templates for these marks in the SPS download library. Here is a link to one that might fit your needs:

  3. #3

    Re: How Do I

    OK i got that downloaded and when i cut and paste It has the marking and a gray background just like where i copied from, how to i get rid of the gray??
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: How Do I

    Sounds like you are trying to paste a PSD layer straight onto a BMP skin?

    You need to change the skin from indexed color to RGB color (image/mode...etc) then paste your marking, flatten skin and convert back to BMP making sure to select 8bit.

    Think thats right, been a long time since I skinned in il2.
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: How Do I

    Did you download by clicking on the image or the Download button?
    If sounds to me you downloaded the JPG preview image and not the ZIP-file with the PSD-template.

    Make sure to use the download-button.

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