Serval and I have been having some discussions about the future of Simmers Paint Shop, and the ideas of some future features. We have a few ideas, but aren't sure whether YOU would be able to make use or WANT these additions.
So we ask for voting and comments on these ideas:
Simmers Paint Shop Wiki
This will be like most other wiki systems, and will support user created content. Items in the wiki don't need the same detail as say, an article in our tutorials section, and thus can be more easily created and edited by all. Some ideas we've had for categories include skinning terms dictionary, repositories of simulator related links and info, and aircraft and profile dictionaries.
Simmers Paint Shop Member Blog
This would be a blog page for any member who wishes to have one. Here members can post as often as they like on their own topics and activites. Other members can comment on your posts. You can link to this blog as your own homepage, basicly it would be just that. We've imagined this can be used for things like skinners who post running updates on their new skins, or work in progress. Profile artists can use the blog similarly. And of course for all those non flight sim things we do, there is room for that as well.
Vote and/or comment on these ideas. Tell us what you'd want to use.