I agree with Supah.
Try to improve your light so the shapes of the aircraft look more realistic.
Study photographs to see what it looks like.
Make the fuselage look more round and the stabilo a bit more flat. In your profile it looks as thick as the fuselage
I have just finish to improve light and shadows ond the fusolage and the elevetor I hope now they look more round
I already check a lot of photo and other D520 color profile when I have begun the draw, my scared is make so much darkens or lightness the profile, I prefer make little step and ask opinion about my work, I think is really thin the line for make one good work or one ugly thing...
thanks for your patience and the profits suggestions
That is better. But mind the nose. It looks pretty rectangular to me.
And as Supah says, use MANY layers. Do every piece of highlight and shade on a different one and you can adjust the transparency when it is needed or when one influences another too much.
Hi all
I just finish one new D520 the N?277 with the markings worn in Syria, this aircraft was destroyed in air combat with RAF Gladiator at 15 jun 1941
on this aircraf I change some shadows on the fusolage and on the wing tomorrow I try to make some new makeup with new shadow and light effect
I make one new D520 flown by Regia Aeronautica Italiana (Royal Italian Airforce) is One D520 of 164a Squadriglia 161? Gruppo at Regio Calabria during september 1943