Can you show screenshots to show the effect?
Question 1. I got the panel made but one prob, How do i get red of the tooth shaped edges on the top of the panel, example after i lunch fsx it loads fine gages work great but the front window in cockpit view the dash looks really bad.
I put a blur on the dash part to get red of the tooth shaped edges but still there in the game I know about antilasing, and the window has to be RGB o.o.o for transparency Right? So if i blur it and smooth it out in photoshop
it looses the transparency for the window and it does not show up right in game. I think thats what happening i don't know whats the right way to do this thanks.
Question 2. How do i make the Back view look out the window and not see the inside of the plane. Thanks for Looking in to this for me.
Can you show screenshots to show the effect?
Hi there and welcome!
For question 1 I'd need a screenshot to try an answer. I'm guessing that there is a bump map being used to create the panel edges, which are appearing jagged?
For question 2... I'm going to answer based on second hand information as I don't have FSX. The back view in FS2004 could be handled in two ways, one from the 2D panel and the other from the virtual cockpit (aka VC). From the 2D panel, looking back could be made to see the world with no cockpit, but the VC would require that the 3D cockpit be in view.
Now... with FSX, MS has changed some things, and the 2D and VC panels now both use the 3D VC inside of the plane when using views to the sides or to the rear. So, as far as I've seen, there is no way to get the 3D interior removed from either the 2D panel or the VC in FSX.
Again, that's based on my reading only, not personal experience.
Sorry I'm on a 56k connection i will get a pic up soon but what i mean on the
edges, look right below the front glass of some plans in 2004 or sfx some planes, have got jagged edges. Well I would like to fix mine in photo shop no bump map I don't know how to do that yet. Here is how i made it just strted painting making layers and stuff normal stuff thin for the dash is the weather striping you could call it. right above the dash just below the Front window. You can see the jagged edges right out side the window of the weather striping or call it a dash board. So how do you blend that with the 000 transparent with out loosing the 000 color if I use bluer it looses its like it bluer's in to the black background. if you still don't understand i can try to up a image let me know.
but if you look out the window of some planes in 2004 you will see the jagged edges on theme as well but fsx as just a littal but not as bad wonder how thay did it. thanks for helping me out.
o about Question 2 I might look into the eyes sight hight or something. thanks for that info. Trying to read the SDK too they updated it to sp1.