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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    A couple of questions about Photoshop

    I've had Photoshop 7 for about 3 years now, and I am finally taking the plunge to work with it. I'm getting the basics down and am slowly getting my way around it, but there are a couple of things I can't figure out.

    1. In Paint shop, I can have 2 layered paint files open, select a layer in the layer pallete, click on the copy icon and paste the layer onto the 2nd layered file, using the mouse arrow by right clicking and then on paste. How can this be done in Photoshop? The only way I have found so far is to click on select, load selection, which is like using the magic wand tool. Then I can copy and paste onto the other layered file. In most cases this works, but if I have a layer such as camoflauge, which has soft edges, I don't think it copies all the layer, since the edges are blurred, I don't think the selection process can grap all the pixels. Is there a easy way to just copy and paste layers in Photoshop 7?

    2. In Paint shop, when I want to change the color of a layer, I can go to adjust, color balance, black and white points, then manually enter the RGB values that I want to change the color to, is there something similar in Photoshop 7?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: A couple of questions about Photoshop

    The best way to copy a layer from one file to another is the following:
    Select the layer you want to copy and rightclick.
    Select Copy layer
    Name:  copy-layer1.jpg
Views: 122
Size:  85.7 KB

    Then in the windows that opens select the target of the layer, eighter another open file or a new to be created file.
    Name:  copy-layer2.jpg
Views: 123
Size:  83.7 KB

    You can also drag and drop, but this way ensures that the layer is aligned exactly the same way as in the original image. That is, when the images have the same size.

    Here is some more about layers:

    Selecting new colors you do in your toolbar. Doubleclick in the foreground (yellow in the example) or background color (brownish in the example)
    Name:  selectcolor.jpg
Views: 121
Size:  12.9 KB

    To replace an existing color there are many ways.
    When the layer has an equal color this way comes closest to what you are used to do:

    Here is another way:

    And here is a way for complex situations where multiple colors with gradients/anti alias are involved:
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: A couple of questions about Photoshop

    Wait a minute Serval, that's way too easy!! LOL!!!

    Thank you very much!! The more I mess around with this program, the more I am beginning to love it!

    Thanks again!!

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