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Thread: My first

  1. #41

    Re: My first

    Yep, Photoshop, or Gimp if you're Adlabs

    I didn't do too good of a job on the prop Jester. I think you're right Plus, getting it backwards the first time around didn't help :P I'll look into fixing it, thanks

    BTW, as I'm struggling with a modest 45-50 layers at 2700x2756 pixels, 20x7.6 inches at 360 dpi. I see my idol Cleas is doing 41 inch prints!!!!!!
    Claes Sundin Aircraft Profiles
    They have to be at least 300 dpi I would think...
    That's 12300x3900 pixels How does he do it? And those profiles, or most of them were started some time ago, at least before 1997. He must have had access to some SEROUS equipment. My profiles look simple to his, he's got to have double or more the amount of layers!
    Last edited by Serval; 7th March 2007 at 00:18. Reason: Corrected link

  2. #42

    Re: My first

    I think his early works were done the "old" way, as in real drawings/paintings.
    His new stuff looks more like what we are doing here DTP.
  3. #43

    Re: My first

    You might be right Jester but in the back of "Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft in Profile" he mentions that all 124 profiles (in the book) were created in a "digital environment." He goes on to mention Macintosh computers and Photoshop. He goes on to say
    The exact method of creating these profiles will remain the artist's little secret; furthermore, it is too complicated to describe here and now. What can be said, however, is that the process resembles the older airbrush technique of using mask.
    I think that means the profiles in both of his Schiffer books are digital.

    I had always taken it that Tullis also started out with digital. All of his profiles seem very uniform to be, not individual paintings.

    About Sundin's new stuff looking more like ours, I have a feeling he needs to work fast now The 2 Schiffer books were made with existing profiles from what I can see in the text. He did them on his own is what I thought. Now that he is commissioned to do this stuff he needs to make deadlines. Just as guess though
    Last edited by BLOWHARD; 6th March 2007 at 23:31.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: My first

    Quote Originally Posted by Supah View Post
    Adobe Photoshop or Paintshop Pro
    There are other ways as well.. I use Adobe Illustrator
  5. #45

    Re: My first

    There are other ways as well.. I use Adobe Illustrator
    Only if you want to give in to the dark side of the force

  6. #46

    Re: My first

  7. #47

    Re: My first

    Speaking of Claes.. I have seen him on Simmers twice now!.... ever get the feeling your being watched!
    Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!
  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: My first

    Really lovely work Blowhard,
    It really took a 'kick' once you got the green onto it, it's a pity one minute it was underpaint and the next the green was complete, as I'd love to have seen some steps you used to get the patterns/shapes of that complicated paintjob.

    If I could, I'd like to mention the shadow areas, or at least where I would have them, If you don't want to do the underside of the wings well that's a choice thing, perhaps though a shadow falling over the droptank, nice curved front edge? and also one on the fuselage side beneath the tailplane? I find they can give a lot of dimension to a profile myself. Course that too would be a choice thing, as it's looking really very nice anyway.

    (BTW: Yeah, I miss the old large format process cameras sometimes too! lol and rubylith just used to 'feel' so ***y! LOL)
  9. #49

    Re: My first

    HUH? WHAT? Claes is in da house???? WOW, Claes, say something
    He should get a free membership! ...oh, yeah, membership here is free

    Good point about the shadows under the tail Dean. They were and ARE there but obviously I was a bit too subtle. Here's what was that at 10% but shown at 100% opacity-
    Name:  shadow.jpg
Views: 288
Size:  64.0 KB
    I've done some messing around and here is a new bit tacked on, not as subtle-
    Name:  shadow_new.jpg
Views: 290
Size:  96.7 KB
    I hadn't wanted too get too much into this kind of shading. It seems too much like an artist's trick, like showing a reflection by rendering in a window frame or mirroring a landscape It's not really a cheap trick though
    I'm thinking more in terms of bright sunlight with loads of reflected light, as is shown on the main wing underside. Maybe there could be a shadow across the drop tank, but I was thinking that entire area would be in shadow. The light would need to be a pretty extreme angle to do that while under those broad wings and the fuselage too. Let me consider it some and see if I can get it to make sense in my "mind's-eye".

    Dean, about the camouflage, it was 2 really long late nights and part of an afternoon. Not a pretty sight Just a lot of close up noodling and staring endlessly at the photos

    Now, on to the "fun" stuff. Ryan Toews has been scrutinizing each rivet on my profile with care and many thanks from me! Here is the difference a bit of knowledge (that I don't have) makes!
    Corrected rivet pattern on the spinner.
    Details on the spinner, slot, hole, retaining bolt AND, stencils, Ryan's specialty!
    Revised size of propeller aperture and corrected propeller size, including a better stencil directly from Ryan.
    And, and I'm sure Jester will like this- a MUCH better shading job on the upper propeller!!!
    Also, corrected surface textures, the prop blades are bare metal, the spinner is silver paint over red primer
    Name:  spinner&cowling-v2.jpg
Views: 290
Size:  49.7 KB
    Perhaps the propeller blades still need some work... ?
    A few other details thrown in, corrected cowling fastener orientation and the additional panel around the machine-gun exit.
    This will be a LONG extended process but it will be a FUN precess just the same


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